Cindy Gallop
Self-described as the “Michael Bay of Business,” Cindy Gallop redefines what it means to be a woman in business.
Cindy Gallop
Cindy Gallop is a graduate of Somerville College, Oxford, whose background is brand-building, marketing and advertising – she started up the US office of ad agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty in New York in 1998 and in 2003 was named Advertising Woman of the Year.
She is the founder and CEO of, co-action software launched in beta at TED 2010 and subsequently written up and taught as a Harvard Business School case study. She is also the founder of MakeLoveNotPorn — ‘Pro-sex. Pro-porn. Pro-knowing the difference’ — a social sextech platform designed to promote good sexual behavior and good sexual values, which she launched at TED 2009, and for which she has just raised $2 million to build out as ‘the Social Sex Revolution’. She acts as board advisor to a number of tech ventures and consults on brand and business innovation for companies around the world, describing her consultancy approach as: ‘I like to blow shit up. I am the Michael Bay of Business.’ BusinessInsider named her one of 15 Most Important Marketing Strategy Thinkers Today, alongside Malcolm Gladwell and Seth Godin, and recently cited her as both number 33 on their list of 100 Most Influential Tech Women On Twitter, and number one on their list of Top 30 People In Advertising To Follow On Twitter.
She has a reputation as a highly compelling and inspirational speaker at conferences and events around the world on a variety of topics. Her talks on the future of advertising and marketing have been tweeted as: ‘The most brilliant speech on the future of advertising ever – not the usual buzzword-laden bullshit’; ‘Watching @cindygallop slice and dice the ad industry status quo like a ginsu knife. #purewin’; and ‘There must be a DeLorean parked outside, because Cindy Gallop is from the FUTURE!’ InfluencerCon NYC introduced her as ‘Cindy Gallop is the truth Jack Nicholson told Tom Cruise he couldn’t handle.’ Most recently Cindy acted as Jury President at CannesLions 2015 for the inaugural Glass Lion awards, driven by Sheryl Sandberg to shatter gender stereotypes in advertising and popular culture. She published ‘Make Love Not Porn: Technology’s Hardcore Impact on Human Behavior’ as one of TED’s line of TEDBooks.